One high end brothel where only married women work as prostitutes and gives opportunity for customers to sleep with other men’s wives has been discovered when the police raided the place.
Most of the women's husbands had no idea their wives had been working as prostitutes- charging so much an hour for their services- these desperate housewives were lured into working in the red light business by other home-makers at the brothel with the promise of earning a little extra spending money, according to police.
Potential prostitutes were instructed to bring a marriage certificate before they were allowed to work at the specialist brothel which was set across a seven-room apartment.
Officers are now hunting the brothel's madam, known only as 'Mamma' who managed to escape during the raid.
Police spokeswoman Margarita Maslova said: 'A seven room apartment had been turned into an exclusive brothel where prostitutes were allowed to work only if they brought a marriage certificate confirming they were somebody else's wife.
'We arrested 11 people although the woman that was running the business, who they were instructed to call 'mamma', managed to escape and is being hunted.'
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